Revolution Health

We don't want to chase symptoms, we want to find the root cause of what's going on. That's why we have evolved into a multi faceted approach to your care.

What We Do

Making sure the brain can communicate to the body

The concepts of how Revolution Health implements chiropractic is simple. If a joint is stuck, let's move it. If a muscle is tight, let's loosen it. If a muscle is weak, let's strengthen it.

How this concept is carried out varies from office to office. Dr Colton has had the opportunity to work with age groups from one day old to 99 years old and cares about one thing...results!

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Making sure your body has the proper nutrients for healing.

Unfortuneately in our modern world it seems more difficult to make sure your body is sufficient in the proper nutrients.

At Revolution Health we utiize multiple avenues of labratory testing to give us an insight into nutrients you could be missing from your current diet.

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What is your body's current status?

When utilized correctly, bloodwork analysis can be very useful as part of your healthcare. The problem is that "normal" ranges are taken from a bell curve as compared to Americans, which is not a good population to compare yourself against. We are very sick as a culture and 5 out of 6 of us will die of two diseases; heart diseas and cancer.

At Revolution Health we look at what is the "optimal" range for your body and take into consideration your body as a whole.

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Lets look at deficiency of minerals and toxic metals.

Tissue mineral analysis utilizes hair as a means of labratory testing. This allows us to get an idea of what is happening at more of a cellular level, over the course of approximately the past 8 weeks.

Dr Colton is mentored by the nations leading expert in tissue mineral analysis, who has been utilizing this type of testing for over 25 years.

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Food is medicine.

This program shines a spotlight on negative eating habits that contribute to common health challenges.

Program benefits include: Initial consult and evaluation for SHAPE ReClaimed™, follow-up monitoring appointments including urine evaluation, customizing the program bases on your progress, symptoms, and laboratory results

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Here’s what our clients have to say…

Tracy Sanders

Working with Dr. Colton in order to get my health back, has been life altering. The combination of getting my spinal column in alignment, along with detoxifying my system, has resulted in increased energy and a more positive attitude!

Roxann Brooks

My joint pain is gone, I have more energy, I am feeling less depressed and much more hopeful…the impossible is possible! I encourage anyone with pain, inflammation, and extra weight to look into this program today. Thank you Dr. Colton for your continued support, I am forever grateful.

Deborah Mallek

“There’s a familiar saying; “If you fail to plan, you plan to fail.” Revolution Health has helped me to plan ahead, so that life will be more successful in every area–for myself and my family.”


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